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Results and progress: Provision of services that are friendly to consumers, businesses, and employees

Digital Agency provides services that are friendly to consumers, businesses, and employees.

My Number System

My Number System will be expanded to improve convenience for the people and efficiency of administrative management

In order to improve convenience for the people and efficiency of administrative operations, various measures will be taken to promote the use of My Number and digital society, which are the foundations of My Number Card.

Annual Results and Progress

Improving convenience for the people by developing the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (My Number Act).
On May 27, 2024, the Act on Revision of the My Number Act, etc. came into effect. In addition to the fact that you can keep your My Number Card without losing its validity when you move out of Japan (moving), it has become possible to use your My Number for national certification, automobile registration, and administrative work related to permission related to status of residence for barbers, hairdressers, small boat operators, architects, etc. In addition, a mechanism has been introduced in which attached documents such as family registry certificates can be omitted.
In addition, the Act for Partial Revision of the Basic Act on digital society Formation, etc. (2024 Revision Act), including the revision of the My Number Act, was enacted at the ordinary Diet session in 2024, and new provisions were established to the effect that Digital Agency provides the necessary support to ensure the accuracy of specified personal data, and provisions were developed to install the matters to be stated on the My Number Card ticket on the smartphone.

Future development (planned)

  • We will consider the implementation of the 2024 Amendment Act, including the installation of the My Number Card function on the smartphone and the introduction of the next version of the My Number Card.
  • We will conduct a comprehensive survey on the usability of My Number System for each ministry and agency in charge of the system in their respective affairs, and aim to submit a bill to the ordinary Diet session twenty twenty-five based on the results of the survey.
  • We will work closely with the Cabinet Office and each Ministry as well as local government by supporting local government's efforts on information inquiries using My Number, and promote efforts to further utilize My Number System.

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Promotion of My Number Card and Utilization

Quick and convenient services for each person ①

My Number Card accounts for about 70% of the total.
My Number Card makes it possible to verify your identity safely, securely, and quickly, whether in person or online.
We are promoting its spread, and as a foundation, we are working on "Concept of Online Service for Government Offices," where various administrative procedures can be performed from public office without going to smartphone and notifications specified by the person themselves can be received, and "①My Number Card utilization plan," where various public service can be enjoyed with one My Number Card.

Annual Results and Progress

The number of transactions that do not require a visit to public office and the services that can be used with cards are steadily increasing.
Approximately 70% of Japanese people own My Number Card, and we will continue to strongly expand the use of My Number Card so that many people can feel the advantages of holding a card.
The main procedures for move-out notifications / move-in appointments, passport application, child care / nursing care, etc. can be performed online, and My Number Card can be used as a health insurance card. In addition, My Number Card can be used in various public service such as library cards, One-Stop Counter, and community currency/points.

Future development (planned)

  • Continuous improvement of UI / UX in move-out notifications, move-in appointments and passport application
  • Expanding online applications for municipal procedures
  • Promotion of online national certification such as various digitalization
  • Development of Usage Environments Necessary for health insurance card Use in My Number Card
  • Promotion of integration with driver's license card, residence cards, patient registration card, publicly funded medical care ticket, etc.
  • Promote the creation of examples of My Number Card utilization in local government by utilizing subsidy for the Vision for a Digital Garden City Nation

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Providing quick and convenient services to each individual ②

My Number Card can be used not only by the government but also by private business, including Japanese Public Key Infrastructure (JPKI) using E-Certificate.
By using it, private business will be able to confirm the identity of customers safely, securely, and speedily. Under the banner of "Vision of Safe and Convenient Online Transactions," we are working to expand its use in various private service and situations in My Number Card.

Annual Results and Progress

The number of card users in personal ID functionality's private sector has reached 580, expanding the use of new industries and services.
The use of My Number Card is expanding in various private service such as banks, securities companies, and non-life insurance companies, and the number of companies using it has increased to 580 (as of August 2, 2024).
The E-Certificate fee in private business has been free for three years since 2023. In addition, private business can be obtained from J-LIS with the start of a service to provide the latest address information.
We launched a service equipped with a electronic certification for smartphones, and you can receive various My Number Card services in biometric authentication without carrying a My Number Card. (Started from Android devices)

Future development (planned)

  • Dissemination of information on the benefits of use, procedures, use cases, etc., and expansion of use such as consultation, etc.
  • Creation of utilization in various fields such as the entertainment field
  • We are promoting various services such as the use of Various Certificates as a electronic certification for smartphones or health insurance card at convenience stores through the Issue installation service.
  • In addition to the electronic certification for smartphones service of iOS devices, the implementation of smartphone installation of basic 4 information held by My Number Card is scheduled in the spring of twenty twenty-five.

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All administrative procedures in smartphone

We aim to provide consumer-friendly public service that can be used easily and with peace of mind without forgetting or losing.
In an increasingly diverse society, it is easy to visit a public office on a holiday, at night, or from a remote location without visiting a smartphone office.
A system that can receive various public service is required.

Annual Results and Progress

The company has launched a new official version of Mynaportal, with more new features, about 13.18 million hits and about 270,000 daily logins.
In order to make procedures and information confirmation easy and easy for users, we sequentially improved the service to a demonstration alpha version in December 2022 and a demonstration beta version in August 2023, and released a new official version in March 2024. We will continue to receive feedback and make improvements from the users' perspective to make the service more convenient. In addition, we released new functions such as an application function for dependent relatives, etc. of pensions, a function to link with e-Tax for tax withholding slips data of employment income, and an online application function for national certification. The number of accesses to Mynaportal was about 13.18 million, and the number of logged-in users averaged about 270,000 per day (from September 2023 to July 2024).

Future development (planned)

  • Acquisition of letters of resignation (fiscal 2024)
  • Family registry information linkages function (fiscal 2024) / family registry furigana application function (twenty twenty-five)
  • New application function for passports (fiscal 2024)
  • Functions such as application for change of address on driver's license (fiscal 2024)
  • Twenty twenty-five of back-end functions
  • Expansion of private service using APIs for Mynaportal

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Digital authentication App

Using Digital Technology for safty and security Identity Verification

Promote the use of My Number Card by expanding the spread of identity verification using digital technology.
With the digitalization of various services, non-face-to-face identity verification is required in various situations. On the other hand, due to the cost burden of system development and the uncertainty of identity verification required for each service, identity verification by E-Certificate in My Number Card, in particular, identity verification using a E-Certificate for user identification, has not spread.

Annual Results and Progress

In June 2024, we released the digital authentication App, which makes identity verification using My Number Card safe and easy.
In June 2024, we released a My Number Card app to make identity verification using digital authentication safe and easy. This app uses the industry standard OpenID Connect.
By using the API Digital Agency * 1 digital authentication ( App Service API) that works with the app provided by digital authentication, you can easily incorporate personal ID functionality using My Number Card.
In addition, through the service site of the Digital Agency App launched on the digital authentication website, we will communicate identity verification using digital technology in an easy-to-understand manner through public-private cooperation. Of the businesses scheduled to use the API, 93.9% * 2 plans to use the API using the E-Certificate for user authentication.

Future development (planned)

  • Operation of a community to communicate digital identity in an easy-to-understand manner

Related Information

System standardization for a local local government

Efficiency administrative operation for Quality Service

By standardizing the core business systems of the local local government, we aim at the business efficiency of the local local government and the convenience of the resident service.
In the past, local government's core business systems, such as resident records, had a large burden of maintenance, management, and renovation as a result of individual development and customization by local government, and there was a Issue where the utilization of cloud was difficult to advance. If the standardization of local government's core business systems is realized, the human and financial burden on local government will be reduced, and it will be possible to focus on improved services for residents in line with the actual situation of area.

Annual Results and Progress

Strengthen cooperation with local government and business operators to accelerate transition to standard compliance system.
In principle, toward standardization by the end of fiscal 2025, we are working on revising standard specifications in cooperation with related ministries and agencies, carefully checking the progress of local government, and understanding and resolving Issue, including technical aspects. In addition, we have established a "Business Council" with development business operators in standard compliance system, etc., to understand the state of development of the system and Issue related to transition, and provide appropriate information and exchange opinions. We will continue to make efforts so that local government can transition standard compliance system smoothly and safely.

Future development (planned)

  • In principle, we aim to transition core business systems in local local government to standard compliance system using Government Cloud by the end of March 2026.

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Data sharing platform

Data connections's New Infrastructure for Resident Services

We aim to further improve the service experience for residents and reduce the efficiency and burden of administrative staff by using and linking administrative data quickly.

  • [Use of Information in local government] It is important to reduce the burden on both citizens and administrative operation personnel who carry out procedures, and to develop environments in which necessary support can be received at the necessary time.
  • [information linkages between public authorities] We will realize improvement of processing capacity to respond to the increasing needs of information linkages.

Annual Results and Progress

We promoted technical studies for the operation of the data sharing platform.
Data sharing platform (the foundation of information linkages) is targeting twenty twenty-five as a implementation, and is conducting technical studies mainly in two frameworks, "information utilization within local government" and "information linkages between public authorities", so that data held by the government can be used and linked safely and smoothly.

  1. [Information utilization in local government] In fiscal 2024, we will make a validation using benefit support services as an example of utilization of functions to smoothly realize cross-business data extraction, processing, and data cooperation.
  2. [information linkages between public authorities] For information linkages between public authorities based on My Number System, from fiscal 2024, we will promote design development with common functions equivalent to the current intermediate server.

Future development (planned)

  • [Information utilization in local government] While ensuring consistency with data requirements and cooperation requirements for core business systems unification and standardization in local government, we will make it possible to use the functions required by local government on Government Cloud in an empirical manner in order from twenty twenty-five.
  • [information linkages between public authorities] From January 2026, we will provide common functions for institutions such as ministries and agencies.

Related Information

Data maintenance

Ensuring data quality

In order to achieve high-quality public service even with limited human resources, and to simplify and convenience the people's and administrative operations, in addition to the consistent digital completion of individual procedures and services (digital first), it is required to develop environments in which public authorities, etc. can perform smooth efficiency, and information submitted once in the procedure does not need to be submitted twice (one time only), and multiple procedures and services can be implemented in one stop (connected one stop), including private service. In addition, from the viewpoint of promoting smooth data connections, it is required to thoroughly ensure the quality of data held by public authorities, etc. In addition, based on the My Number Information full investigation, we will provide careful support to linking institutions based on the support regulations to ensure the accuracy of specific personal data newly established in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures. data connections

Annual Results and Progress

The Act for Partial Revision of the Basic Act on digital society Formation, etc. * 3 was established.
In order to improve the convenience of parties involved in administrative procedures, etc. through the use of information and communications technology, as well as to simplify and efficiency administrative operations, this Act is intended to develop and promote the use of the Basic Public Information Database (Base Registry), and to make necessary amendments to the My Number system and My Number Card. It was enacted at the 213th Diet (ordinary Diet session) on May 31, 2024.

Future development (planned)

  • In order to prevent clerical errors and fluctuation in descriptions due to manual input, the use of a developed public basic information database (base registry) and related reference online application will be promoted when inputting the names of corporations, the locations of their head offices, the addresses of individuals, the locations of their offices, etc. in implementation, etc.
  • "Cross-Sectional Guidelines for Clerical Affairs for Registering My Number in Clerical Affairs using My Number" * 4 Revision of as needed
  • Consideration of digitalization for My Number Registration Affairs

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Public fund receiving account

So that they can receive public benefits quickly and reliably

By using public fund receiving account, you can smoothly receive various benefit such as pensions and child allowances.
In Digital Agency, we are promoting efficiency and use from the viewpoint of Registration of public money receiving account of benefit procedures and benefit administration.
We are also promoting the use of the Specified Public Benefit System, which makes it possible to provide benefits promptly in the event of an emergency.

Annual Results and Progress

Promotion of Registration of public money receiving account and use, and realization of prompt payment through specified public benefits.
The number of Registration of public money receiving account has increased by about 54 million since August 2022 to about 63.2 million as of the end of June 2024. This public fund receiving account can be used to receive 162 types of benefit, etc. based on individual laws. In addition, the Specified Public Benefits Program, which is designated as a benefit, etc. in emergencies not based on individual laws, has designated 1,732 benefits. As of the end of June 2024, the number of local government (number of prefectures and municipalities) for which benefit, etc. were provided using a public fund receiving account was 1,437 local government out of a total of 1,788 local government. At the same time, in order to make public fund receiving account users feel more secure, we are taking measures to eliminate accounts that are highly likely to be registered with someone other than the user.

Future development (planned)

  • Continue necessary efforts toward commencement of Registration of public money receiving account acceptance via financial institutions
  • Continue to promote the use of specific public benefit systems

Related Information

JGrants and gBizID

Online administrative procedures for business operators

We will promote online administrative procedures for businesses and support improvements in productivity in private business.
Up until now, the public service related to the project has been a burden on the business operator because the procedures have been complicated, such as requiring individual accounts and applications for each system and scheme.

Annual Results and Progress

Acquisition of gBizID is completed online. The total number of jGrants users has increased by about 1.2 times.
As for the corporate common authentication platform (gBizID), it has become possible to issue accounts online, and the number of Prime accounts issued has increased to more than 1.2 million, and the number of systems to which we can cooperate in each country and local government has also expanded to 187.
By the end of July 2024, the subsidy application system (jGrants) had been used by a total of approximately 220,000 businesses, and was used in 15 ministries and agencies and 47 local government, which are responsible for subsidy systems.

Future development (planned)

  • A gBizID Member accounts that can issue a administrative authority function was added, and management on a business office basis became possible (fiscal 2024).
  • Addition of proxy application functions and UI / UX improvements in jGrants (fiscal 2024)
  • Addition of account registration function to jGrants (twenty twenty-five)

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Online application service Rolls Out New Features for Public Comment

We will add functions such as electronic payment for online application procedures and improve the convenience of functions such as procedure bookmarking and searching.
In bringing administrative procedures online, it is important to share a mechanism that allows each ministries and agencies to easily bring a series of processes, such as examination of procedures, online without building their own business system. To enable users to engage in smooth social and economic activities, we have developed a new function in e-Gov.

Annual Results and Progress

We enhanced e-Gov services, improving convenience and realizing administrative operation efficiency.
In conjunction with the switching of the e-Gov system, the range of procedures for which electronic payment of fees, etc. is possible has been expanded for the "e-Gov Online Application Service" system, which allows applications and notifications of administrative procedures to be made on the Internet. In addition, the maximum number of procedure bookmarks that can be registered has been expanded, and candidate procedures can be automatically displayed below the search entry field while entering the name of the procedure to be searched.
Currently, e-Gov handles more than 5,800 government administrative procedures and receives more than 28 million online application cases per year.
In addition, the "e-Gov Public Comment" can now be submitted not only through the conventional opinion submission form but also in an electronic file. * 5 .

Future development (planned)

  • Functional development of local governments in response to online administrative procedures of e-Gov Online Application Service (during fiscal 2024)

Related Information

Design system and accessibility

Web services that anyone can access

Considering the environment (accessibility) and ease of use (usability) in which anyone can use digital products and services
"Web Accessibility Introduction Guidebook * 6 " has been updated and design system's website has been released.
By allowing everyone to enjoy the benefits of digitalization, regardless of geographical restrictions, age, sex, disability or illness, nationality, economic situation, etc., we aim to realize a Issue where "no one is left behind" where people can solve various problems in daily life and truly feel affluence in digital society.

Annual Results and Progress

  • Update the web accessibility introduction guidebook and release the design system website.
    In March 2024, we updated the content of the "Web Accessibility Introduction Guidebook," a document that was released to promote the provision of public authorities websites and apps in an easy-to-use state for various people. Everyone can learn how to respond to web accessibility based on the latest technological trends. In addition, in May 2024, we measured the update of the content of "design system," which provides parts with an accessible design, and released the beta version of the Digital Agency design system website.

Future development (planned)

  • Revision of Web Accessibility Introduction Guidebook
  • Continuously expand and update guidelines, codes, etc. in design system
  • Maximize the value obtained by each service user from the viewpoint of the user (service design), and expand guidelines such as usability.

Related Information

Public Basic Information Database (Base Registry)

Strengthen and accelerate initiatives that serve as the foundation of digital completion for corporations

Development and promotion of use of the Basic Public Information Database (Base Registry). At present, basic information such as the name and location of a corporation, the name and address of its representative, is written many times for each procedure, written documents are attached many times, and if a change is made, the same procedure is performed many times, creating a burden related to the procedure. By developing a database of items common to various procedures as the Basic Public Information Database (Base Registry) and making it possible for various public authorities to refer to it, it is possible to improve the convenience of the people who perform the procedure, such as reducing the number of document attachments, omitting the notification of change, and making the confirmation of registered matters online, as well as achieving efficiency in the operation of public authorities. As a policy effect, it is expected to reduce the administrative burden on the people and administrative staff by about 31 billion yen per year by realizing efficiency of about 50 million procedures per year and having online application, etc. refer to the Address and Location Relationship Database (base registry for address) for 500 procedures by 2030.

Annual Results and Progress

The Act for Partial Revision of the Basic Act on digital society Formation, etc. * 3 was established.
In order to improve the convenience of persons involved in administrative procedures, etc. through the use of information and communications technology, as well as to simplify and efficiency administrative operations, this Act aims to develop and promote the use of the Basic Public Information Database (Base Registry), and to make necessary amendments to the My Number and My Number Card Identification Codes. It was enacted at the 213th National Assembly (ordinary session) on May 31, 2024. The Government will formulate a plan for the development and improvement of the Basic Public Information Database and promote the development and use of the database in a comprehensive and systematic manner. In order to ensure the quality of the data that makes up the Basic Public Information Database (Base Registry), the Government will consider the roles that related organizations should play and specific initiatives.

Future development (planned)

  • We plan to formulate a plan to develop and improve the public basic information database by the summer of twenty twenty-five.
  • We aim to develop environments in which all real estate registry can access twenty twenty-five for commercial and corporate registration information and public authorities information sequentially from fiscal 2027 (including annual provision of real estate registry information from twenty twenty-five).
  • Regarding the address and location database (base registry for address), with the cooperation of local governments, Digital Agency will improve the town information by the end of FY 2024 in cooperation with related ministries and agencies such as Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and aim to maintain the up-to-date information by receiving the change of the town name from local governments.

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Development of national and local digital common infrastructure

Development and operation of the national and local digital common infrastructure

We will maintain and strengthen public services with digital power even in a society with a declining population.
We have entered a society with a rapidly declining population, and the shortage of bearers is rapidly becoming serious, including in public service. In order to maintain high-quality public services and respond more flexibly to the diversifying lifestyles and needs of the people, even as human resources are constrained in all fields, it is essential to ensure the efficiency and convenience of the supply of public services by utilizing digital technology while securing security. Since it may not be in time to start work after the shortage of bearers of public services becomes serious, it is necessary for both the national government and local governments to share the basic values described above, and to efficiently develop and operate Digital infrastructure from the present time by cooperating and collaborating with each other, and to optimize the overall system while avoiding overlapping investments.

Annual Results and Progress

The "Basic Policies on the Development and Operation of the National and Local Digital Common Infrastructure" was approved by the Cabinet in Priority plan for the realization of digital society.
In order to maintain and strengthen public services with digital power even in a society with a declining population, it is important not to development and own systems individually by 1,788 local government, but to development common systems jointly by the central and local governments and expand the mechanism to use them by a wide range of local government. Based on the "Basic Policies on the Development and Operation of the National and Local Digital Common Infrastructure," we are working on the development and operation of the national and local digital common infrastructure in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Cabinet Secretariat Digital Administration and Finance Reform Council.

Future development (planned)

Based on the Basic Policy on the Development and Operation of the National and Local Digital Common Infrastructure, the following initiatives will be implemented in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Cabinet Secretariat Digital Administration and Finance Reform Council.

  • We will deepen communication and consultation between the country and local governments, eliminate the negative effects of vertical division, and review operations and build a system under a cross-government promotion system.
  • While securing the necessary specialized human resources mainly in Digital Agency, we will promote support for initial development, transition and dissemination, development of digital public infrastructure, and dissemination support to local areas.

Related Information

Policy Dashboard

Strengthening efforts to make "Issue" a "matter of course" in digitalization solutions using digital technology

We will strengthen efforts for visualization of policy data (policy dashboard, etc.).
We will monitor progress toward the desired society, refer to it in government efforts, publicize it, and implement continuous improvement.
In addition, it is necessary to actively provide information and public relations on specific initiatives and results using digital technology, and to show by example that life is actually becoming more convenient.

Annual Results and Progress

Agile policy monitoring and promotion using policy dashboards, etc.
In response to the need within the government to promote the use of indicators, measurement, visualization, etc. of data-based progress in Japanese policies, Digital Agency has been promoting the visualization, operation, and disclosure of policy dashboards for data development and analysis from fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2024.

Future development (planned)

  • Number of policies that used or made public the Policy Dashboard (cumulative): 15 by the time of twenty twenty-five
  • Page views on Policy Dashboard (cumulative PV): 150,000 PV by twenty twenty-five

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* 1: Abbreviation for Application Programming Interface. A mechanism to facilitate the development of applications and the sharing and utilization of information and functions of other systems.
* 2: Includes businesses that use both the authentication API and the signature API. Businesses that use only the authentication API accounted for 69.7%.
* 3: Act for Partial Revision of the Basic Act on efficiency Formation, etc. to improve the convenience of persons involved in administrative procedures, etc. through the use of information and communications technology, as well as to simplify administrative operations and promote digital society
* 4: In order to reduce new My Number linking errors to zero as much as possible, it was issued in October 2023 to each linking organization as a recurrence prevention measure. After that, the cause of the My Number registration error was analyzed and additional measures were added, and it was revised in December 2023 and May 2024.
* 5: The possibility of submission in an electronic file differs depending on the public comment of each institution.
* 6: A guidebook for administrative officials and business operators who are working for the first time on making it possible for diverse people to use information and services provided digitally (web accessibility) regardless of the presence or absence of disabilities, their degree, age, and use environment.