
Initiatives at Global

Japan Peppol Authority has been leading global initiatives to promote Peppol e-invoice use, together with the authorities in other jurisdictions.

Participation in Peppol Conference in Brussels

On May 29th and 30th, 2024, at “Peppol Conference in Brussels”, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato made a presentation about the current situation of Peppol e-invoice initiative with “Good Practices” in Japan.

2024年5月29日および30日、Peppol Conference in Brusselsにおいて、Peppol e-invoiceを使った”Good Practices”を紹介しつつ、日本のPeppol e-invoiceの現状についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Bilateral Meeting with Finnish State Treasury (Finnish Peppol Authority)

On May 27th, 2024, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, visited Finnish State Treasury (Finnish Peppol Authority) and had a courtesy call to Ms. Liisa Räsänen, Director-General, Finnish State Treasury. In addition, there was a discussion about a plan of future collaboration between Finland and Japan.

2024年5月27日、デジタル庁は、フィンランドのPeppol AuthorityであるFinnish State Treasuryを訪問し、Liisa Räsänen(Director-General, Finnish State Treasury)を表敬訪問するとともに、日・フィンランドでのe-invoiceの今後の協力等について意見交換を行いました。

Bilateral Meeting with Fiji Revenue & Customs Service

On March 8th, 2024, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, had a virtual meeting with Fiji Revenue & Customs Service (FRCS) to exchange opinions of EFD (Electronic Fiscal Devices) and VMS (VAT monitoring systems) in Fiji.

2024年3月8日、デジタル庁は、Fiji Revenue & Customs Service(FRCS)との間で、フィジーにおけるEFD(Electronic Fiscal Devices)及びVAT monitoring system(VMS)の取組について意見交換を行いました。

Collaborative initiative with Finnish State Treasury (Finnish Peppol Authority)

Digital Agency, as a Japan Peppol Authority, implemented a collaborative initiative with Finnish State Treasury (Finnish Peppol Authority) . Thanks for kindness of Finnish Peppol Authority, Peppol e-invoice was successfully sent from a Japanese company to Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Finland and was processed smoothly and promptly.

デジタル庁は、Finnish State Treasury(Finnish Peppol Authority)と協力し、日本企業によるフィンランド政府(Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)へのPeppol e-invoiceでの請求をサポートしました。

Bilateral Meeting with BOSA (Belgium Peppol Authority)

On March 6th, 2024, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, visited the BOSA (Belgium Peppol Authority) and had a courtesy call to Mr. Jack Hamande, Director-General, Simplification and Digitalization. In addition, there was an update of the e-invoice initiatives of each jurisdiction.

2024年3月6日、デジタル庁は、ベルギーのPeppol AuthorityであるBOSAを訪問し、Jack Hamande氏(Director-General, Simplification and Digitalization)を表敬訪問するとともに、日・ベルギー両国におけるe-invoiceの取組の現状等について意見交換を行いました。

Participation in 2nd Peppol Authority Workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

On February 27th, 2024, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, participated in the 2nd Peppol Authority Workshop between MDEC and DAJ in Kuala Lumpur to update the situation of Peppol e-invoice adoption in each jurisdiction.

2024年2月27日、2nd Peppol Authority Workshop between MDEC and DAJ in Kuala Lumpurに参加し、日・マレーシア両国におけるPeppol e-invoiceの定着状況について、意見交換等を行いました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Bilateral Meeting with Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand (NZ Peppol Authority) in Wellington

On February 7th and 8th, 2024, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, visited the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE), New Zealand to have a discussion between Peppol Authorities. In addition, thanks to kind arrangements of the MBIE, Mr. Kato had opportunities to visit some enterprises based in Auckland and Wellington.

2024年2月7日および8日、デジタル庁は、ニュージーランドのPeppol AuthorityであるMBIE(Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment)を訪問し、Peppol e-invoiceの普及に向けた取組について意見交換を行いました。さらに、MBIEのアレンジにより、オークランドおよびウェリントンにおいて活動する事業者への訪問も行いました。

Bilateral Meeting with Money Forward Vietnam and Bizzi

On January 18th, 2024, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, visited the office of Money Forward Vietnam and Bizzi (Ho Chi Minh City) to exchange opinions of their possibilities to support Peppol e-invoice and Vietnamese mandatory e-invoice.

2024年1月18日、Money Forward Vietnam社及びBizzi社(いずれもベトナム・ホーチミンシティ)を訪問し、Peppol e-invoice対応やベトナムにおけるe-invoiceの義務化への対応等について意見交換を行いました。

Japan Peppol Team Face to Face meeting in Tokyo

On January 11th, 2024, Digital Agency, as Japan Peppol Authority, organized a Japan Peppol Team F2F meeting in Tokyo and welcomed one new member, Mr. Federico Feggi (CTO, Triplo M’s S.A. Switzerland).

2024年1月11日、デジタル庁は、Japan Peppol Team meeting(対面)を開催し、新しいメンバーとしてFederico Feggi氏を迎え入れました。

Bilateral Meeting with Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, New Zealand (NZ Peppol Authority) in Tokyo

On December 11th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority , received a visit of Mr. Michael Alp as a representative of NZ Peppol Authority (Chief Operating Officer, Ministry of Innovation and Employment, New Zealand) and updated the situation of Peppol e-invoice adoption in each jurisdiction.

2023年12月11日、ニュージーランドのPeppol AuthorityであるMinistry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New ZealandのMr. Michael Alp (Chief Operating Officer, Corporate Services)の訪問を受け、日・ニュージーランド両国におけるPeppol e-invoice adoptionの状況等について意見交換を行いました。

Participation in E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Singapore

On December 5th and 6th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, participated in “E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Singapore” to make a presentation about the current situation of Peppol e-invoice initiative with “Good Practices” in Japan.

2023年12月5日および6日、E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Singaporeにおいて、use caseを紹介しつつ、日本のPeppol e-invoiceの現状についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Webinar with OpenPeppol

On November 15th, 2023, Digital Agency, collaborating with Operating Office, OpenPeppol, held a webinar for Japanese Service Providers and businesses to learn the fundamentals of “PINT Change Management Procedure”.

2023年11月15日、デジタル庁は、OpenPeppol(Operating Office)とwebinarを共催し、PINT Change Managementの考え方等について参加者に説明しました。

Participation in E-invoice workshop in HCM, Vietnam

On November 7th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, was officially invited by Ministry of Industry and Trade Vietnam as a panelist of the “E-invoice workshop in HCM, Vietnam”. During the panel session, Japan Peppol Authority (Digital Agency), together with other APAC Peppol Authorities (AUS and SG), delivered a strong message to promote the adoption of Peppol e-invoice (PINT) in APAC region.

2023年11月7日、E-invoice workshop in HCM, Vietnamにおいて、豪州及びシンガポールのPeppol Authorityとともにパネルディスカッションに参加し、Peppol e-invoice (PINT)の普及に向けた取組についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Participation in MDX 2023

On November 6th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, was officially invited by MDEC as a panelist of the “Malaysia Digital Expo 2023 Grand Finale”. During the panel session, Japan Peppol Authority (Digital Agency), together with other APAC Peppol Authorities (AUS and SG), delivered a strong message to promote the adoption of Peppol e-invoice (PINT) in APAC region.

2023年11月6日、Malaysia Digital Expo 2023 Grand Finaleにおいて、豪州及びシンガポールのPeppol Authorityとともにパネルディスカッションに参加し、Peppol e-invoice (PINT)の普及に向けた取組についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Webinar with Finnish State Treasury (Finnish Peppol Authority)

On October 18th, 2023, Digital Agency, collaborating with the Finnish State Treasury (Finnish Peppol Authority), held a webinar for Japanese Service Providers and businesses to learn the history of “Finvoice” initiative, especially “B2C e-invoice in Finland”.

2023年10月18日、デジタル庁は、フィンランドのPeppol AuthorityであるFinnish State Treasuryとwebinarを共催し、フィンランドにおけるe-invoiceの取組の歴史やB2C e-invoiceの考え方等について、意見交換を行いました。

Participation in Workshop in Sorrento, Italy

On October 7th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, was officially invited by City of Sorrento, Italy as a speaker of a workshop. The workshop started with the city Mayor, Mr. Coppola’s impressive speech and Mr. Kato made a presentation about vast possibilities of a Peppol e-invoice with combinations of digital tools.

2023年10月7日、デジタル庁は、イタリア・ソレント市でのworkshopに出席しました。同workshopでは、漁獲情報のデータ化とそのデータのPeppol e-invoiceへの自動連携についてデモンストレーションが実施されました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Participation in E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Dublin

On October 4th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, participated in “E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Dublin”, to make a presentation of current progress of Peppol e-invoice initiative of Japan.

2023年10月4日、E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Dublinにおいて、OpenPeppolとのパネルディスカッションに参加するとともに、日本のPeppol e-invoiceの取組の進展についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Japan Peppol Team Face to Face meeting in Tokyo

On August 18th, 2023, Digital Agency, as Japan Peppol Authority, held a Japan Peppol Team F2F meeting in Tokyo and discussed global interoperability of Peppol e-invoice, including PINT.

2023年8月18日、デジタル庁は、Japan Peppol Team meeting(対面)を開催し、PINTを含むPeppol e-invoiceのglobal interoperabilityの可能性等について、意見交換を行いました。

Participation in JCCH Seminar in Ho Chi Minh City

On July 24th, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, was officially invited by JCCH (The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ho Chi Minh City) as a speaker of a seminar and made a presentation on global trend of “e-invoice”, including the benefits of Peppol e-invoice use for cross border transaction.

2023年7月24日、ホーチミン日本商工会議所(JCCH)が主催するセミナーにて、「e-invoiceをめぐる世界のトレンドと日本の状況」をテーマに講演を行い、クロスボーダー取引におけるPeppol e-invoiceの活用等について、意見交換等も実施しました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Webinar with BOSA (Belgium Peppol Authority)

On July 4th, 2023, Digital Agency, collaborating with BOSA(Belgium Peppol Authority), held a webinar for Japanese Service Providers and businesses to learn the valuable experiences of e-invoice implementation for public procurement in Belgium.

2023年7月4日、デジタル庁は、ベルギーのPeppol AuthorityであるBOSAとwebinarを共催し、ベルギーの政府調達におけるe-invoiceの経験等について、意見交換を行いました。

Participation in 1st Peppol Authority Workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

On March 2nd and 3rd, 2023, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, participated in the workshop hosted by MDEC (Malaysia) and made a presentation on Peppol e-invoice initiatives in Japan.
*MDEC is the agency under the Ministry of Communications and Digital leading the digital transformation of the economy.

2023年3月2日および3日、MDEC(Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation)が主催したworkshopにて、日本におけるこれまでのPeppol e-invoiceの取組について、プレゼン・意見交換を行いました。(参加者:加藤企画官)

Participation in E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Singapore

On December 7th and 8th, 2022, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, participated in “E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Singapore” to make a presentation on the current progress of Peppol e-invoice initiative of Japan.

2022年12月7日および8日、E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Singaporeにおいて、日本でのデジタルインボイスの取組の進展についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画調整官)

Participation in OpenPeppol Cross-Community Meetings

On November 3rd and 4th, 2022, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, participated in “OpenPeppol Cross-Community Meetings Brussels” to make a presentation about the overview of the rollout of “Peppol BIS Standard Invoice JP PINT”.

2022年11月3日および4日、ベルギー・ブラッセルで開催されたOpenPeppol Cross-Community Meetingsにおいて、日本のデジタルインボイスの標準仕様(Peppol BIS Standard Invoice JP PINT Version 1.0, 2022年10月28日公開)等の内容についてプレゼンを行いました(参加者:加藤企画調整官)

Participation in E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Miami

On May 11th, 2022, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, virtually participated in “Exchange E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Miami” to make a presentation current progress of Peppol e-invoice initiative of Japan.

2022年5月11日、E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Miamiにおいて、日本におけるデジタルインボイスの取組等についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画調整官)

Participation in E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Vienna

On September 28th, 2021, Mr. Hiroyuki Kato, as a leader of Japan Peppol Authority, virtually participated in “Exchange E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Vienna” to make a presentation current situation of Peppol e-invoice initiative of Japan.

2021年9月28日、E-Invoicing Exchange Summit Viennaにおいて、日本におけるデジタルインボイスの取組等についてプレゼンテーションをしました。(参加者:加藤企画調整官)