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Construction of "Data Linkage Infrastructure" for Disaster Prevention

Digital Agency is building a data-linkage infrastructure in the disaster prevention field so that it can quickly provide residents with the support they need in the event of disasters. With this infrastructure, we aim to promote data-linkage between disaster prevention applications and services and eliminate duplicate input. This will improve the environment to deliver appropriate support to each resident.


Digital Agency is designing and building a data-linkage infrastructure to promote the development and use of resident support applications. By strengthening data linkage between applications and services, we aim to realize one time information input (one time only) in disaster prevention applications, etc., and create an environment in which each resident can receive accurate support in the event of a disaster.


Fiscal 2024 verification test on Data Linkage Infrastructure in the Field of Disaster Prevention

In fiscal 2024 (fiscal 2024), Joso City, Digital Agency, and Koto Ward, Tokyo Prefecture, will cooperate to conduct verification test, such as data linkage between disaster prevention applications, so that residents can quickly provide the support they need in the event of disasters.
In this verification test, five disaster prevention applications already developed and operated by private sector will be linked through a data-linkage platform. Residents and voluntary disaster prevention organizations will participate in the verification of the following items.

  • Reduce the burden of entering the same information over and over
  • Provide appropriate support according to the situation of each victim

For details, please refer to the following materials. The results of the demonstration project will be compiled and released at a later date.

Results of Recruitment of Business Operators Participating in Survey Research on Demonstration of Data Linkage Infrastructure in the Field of Disaster Prevention

Based on the "Priority Plan for the Realization of a Digital Society" (approved by the Cabinet on June 21, 2024), Digital Agency is promoting efforts to build a data-linkage infrastructure in the field of disaster prevention.
In fiscal 2024 (2024), as part of the "Survey and Research on the Demonstration of Data Linkage Infrastructure in the Field of Disaster Prevention" project, we will build a prototype of the data linkage infrastructure in cooperation with the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council, and plan a verification test for data linkage using multiple disaster prevention applications that are actually in operation.
Therefore, we invited members of the Disaster Prevention DX Public-Private Joint Creation Council to join the verification test of this project, and as a result of the selection, we selected "Itsmos Mile Co., Ltd. (application name: Minna no Bosai)" as an additional participating company.
Please refer to the following materials for details.

Data linkage with The SOBO-WEB

In designing and building the data-linkage infrastructure, we are promoting initiatives for data-linkage with The SOBO-WEB *.
Reference: The SOBO-WEB (SOBO-WEB) (Cabinet Office)

Cabinet Office Disaster Prevention aims to build a digital platform for disaster prevention in the future. It is a common platform that aims to enable disaster prevention information that should be shared across disaster prevention related organizations to be collected and shared in a common system.

Study for the development of a data platform in the field of disaster prevention

In cooperation with Cabinet Office, the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, and other organizations, we are working to develop a data platform for disaster risk reduction. We are studying important basic information that should be shared among disaster-response organizations and operational rules necessary for data distribution.