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Revising analog regulations initiatives by local governments

In Digital Agency, we are reviewing the "analog regulations" in laws and ordinances and other parts of the country toward the realization of a digital society.
"Analog regulations" are rules (regulations) that are premised on analog methods (such as visual confirmation, participation in on-site and face-to-face lectures, and posting of official certificates in writing). Such "analog regulations" are one of the factors that hinder digitalisation and the use of digital technology. As the population declines, the birthrate declines, and the population ages, and labor shortages are expected to continue in all industries and workplaces, it is essential to promote the digitalisation of society as a whole, improve productivity through the use of digital technology, and realize the replacement of labor. To this end, it is important to develop regulatory environments that are adapted to the progress of technology. As part of this, it is necessary to make "laws and ordinances" efforts to make existing systems and revising analog regulations available for the use of digital technology.
In particular, in rural areas, where the population is rapidly decreasing, the birthrate declining, and the population aging, there is a need to resolve the regional labor shortage and maintain and strengthen regional functions such as administrative services that are closely related to the lives of residents even with limited human resources. Therefore, it is extremely important for rural areas to work on revising analog regulations.

On this page, in order to support the efforts of revising analog regulations by local governments, information related to national efforts and revising analog regulations is summarized and posted. In addition, information related to support for the promotion of efforts by local governments implemented by Digital Agency is also posted, so please make use of it.

Recent Initiatives


Support for efforts by local governments

Materials to support the efforts of local governments

Data, etc. related to national efforts

Opportunities for information gathering and exchange, and contact information

  • Digital Revolution Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform
    It is a communication platform using Slack, a business chat tool, in which anyone can participate as long as they are employees of local governments and government agencies. Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform "#Co-creation pf _ Digi _ pj _ revising analog regulations" provides information on the national government's efforts as needed, and enables "direct interactive" communication between local governments and Digital Agency employees. Please feel free to participate.
    If you have not already registered to participate in the Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform, please register from How to Register to Participate in the Digital Reform Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform .
  • RegTech Community
    In order to promote revising analog regulations, the "RegTech Community" conducts activities aimed at exchanging opinions and sharing information among parties engaged in regulatory revisions (local governments, regulatory authorities, technology-related companies, etc.).
  • Inquiries:
    If you have any questions about revising analog regulations, please feel free to contact us. Questions in Digital Transformation Co-Creation Platform are also accepted at any time.
    • Digital Agency Regional Analog Regulation Review Promotion Group
      Email: rincho-local _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
      *"@" is indicated as " _ atmark _ " to prevent spam mail.
      When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).