Public Data License (Version 1.0)
Note: This document is for reference only. Please refer to the Japanese version below for the official document.
(Japanese version) Public Data License (Version 1.0) (PDF/203KB)
In order to make it as easy to understand and unified as possible when expressing its views on the use of works by public institutions such as national or local governments in a way that allows reuse, it shall be stipulated as the main text of the terms of use for the websites of public institutions such as national and local governments.
1. Using the content on this website
Information made available on this website (hereinafter referred to as Content), except for Content subject to other terms of use, may be freely used, copied, publicly transmitted, translated or otherwise modified on condition that the user complies with provisions 1.1 to 1.7 below (hereinafter referred to as “This Terms of Use”). Content that can be used in accordance with “This Terms of Use” is hereinafter referred to as "This Content". Commercial use of “This Content” is also permitted. Use of “This Content” constitutes agreement by the user with “This Terms of Use”.
In addition, since numerical data, simple tables, graphs, etc. are not subject to copyright protection, these are not subject to “This Terms of Use” and can be used freely.
1.1. Source citation
- The user must cite the source when using “This Content”. Sources should be cited in the following manner for how to cite the sources, such as by replacing the name of the information provider and its URL. If the URL link can be used as a source, the user can also add the link to the relevant text in the parentheses. In addition, if examples of source citations are provided in "Important note on Public Data License (Version 1.0)" related to “This Content”, please refer to those examples instead of the examples below.
(Examples of source citation)
Source: Agency D website (URL of the relevant page) PDL1.0 (The License Original page URL)
Source: XX Survey (Agency D) (URL of the relevant page) PDL1.0 (The License Original page URL) (accessed on year/month/day)
- If the user has edited “This Content” for use, you must include a statement expressing that “This Content” has been edited and the name of entity, in addition to the abovementioned source citation. Besides, if examples of source citations are provided in "Important note on Public Data License (Version 1.0)" related to “This Content”, sources should be cited in those manner instead of the examples below. But not in any way making public or using edited information in a format that may be misconstrued as if national government or the relevant ministries (This also applies if “This Content” is provided by the local government) has just created and unedited by anyone else.
(Example of citation when using edited “This Content”)
Created by editing the XX Survey (Agency D) (URL of the relevant page)
Created by Company YY based on XX Survey (Agency D) (URL of the relevant page)
1.2. No infringement of third party rights
- In some cases, a third party (refers to a party other than national government. If the provider of “This Content” is a public institution such as a local government, this means a person other than the public institution such as a local government. Hereinafter referred to as “Third Party”) may hold copyrights or other rights to a part of “This Content”. For “This Content” where a “Third Party” holds copyrights or other rights (e.g. portrait rights in a photograph, publicity rights etc.), it is the responsibility of the user to obtain consent for use from the “Third Party” unless there is explicit indication that the rights have already been cleared.
- If a “Third Party” holds rights to a part of “This Content”, said fact may be directly or indirectly stated or indicated through source citations, but in some cases the part of “This Content” to which the “Third Party” holds the rights may not be clear or may not be explicitly stated. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm the rights pertaining to use of “This Content”.
If there is any Content that a “Third Party” has the right to, and that need to be paid attention to, it is described in "Important note on Public Data License (Version 1.0)". - The user must comply with the terms and conditions of the source provider for Content obtained through API (Application Programming Interface) links to external databases etc.
For the avoidance of doubt, if there is any Content obtained through API linkage with external databases, etc. that need to be paid attention to, it is described in "Important note on Public Data License (Version 1.0)".
Even if a “Third Party” holds copyrights to the Content, some use of the Content, such as quoting,
may be allowed without the consent of the copyright holder, under the Copyright Act of Japan.
1.3. “This Content” where use is restricted by specific laws and ordinances
Use of some part of “This Content” may be restricted by specific laws and ordinances. If there are any restrictions due to individual laws and regulations that need to be paid attention to, it is described in "Important note on Public Data License (Version 1.0)".
1.4. “This Content” where “This Terms of Use” does not apply
“This Terms of Use” herein does not apply to the following Content. If there is any Content that clearly states that different terms of use apply, it is described in "Important note on Public Data License (Version 1.0)".
- Symbol mark, Logo, and Character Design which represent the organization or specific business.
- Content where other terms of use apply with concrete and rational reason.
1.5. Governing law and jurisdiction
- “This Terms of Use” shall be governed by and construed under and in accordance with the laws of Japan.
- In case of disputes relating to the use of “This Content” based on “This Terms of Use”, or “This Terms of Use”, the user agrees that the exclusive court of first instance shall be the district court or summary court with jurisdiction in the place where the organization that has published the disputed “This Content” is located.
1.6. Disclaimer
- National government (If “This Content” is provided by a public institution such as a local government instead of the national government, the public institution such as the local government) bears absolutely no responsibility for any action taken by the user involving the use of “This Content” including use of information based on edited “This Content”.
- “This Content” may be modified, moved or deleted without prior notice.
1.7. Other
- “This Terms of Use” does not limit those types of uses for which, under Copyright Act of Japan, license from the right holders are not required.
- “This Terms of Use” was established on July 5, 2024. “This Terms of Use” may be modified in the future. If you are already using “This Content” under the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use, these terms and conditions will continue to apply.
- “This Terms of Use” is compatible with the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (hereinafter referred to as the CC BY).National government (If “This Content” is provided by a public institution such as a local government instead of the national government, the public institution such as the local government) permits the user to use “This Content” to which “This Terms of Use” apply in accordance with CC BY.
- The link policy, privacy policy, accessibility, and disclaimer for the entire website shall be freely determined by the national or local government that adopts “This Terms of Use” as long as they do not contradict the contents related to the use of “This Content” based on “This Terms of Use”.
- “This Terms of Use” may be applied as use rules for Content provided by local governments.
- “This Terms of Use” may apply not only to the website as a whole, but also to individual Content.
- In order to simplify the indication of the names of “This Terms of Use”, the "Public Data License (Version 1.0) " may be written as "PDL 1.0” (users can also write it as such). In addition, PDL is an acronym of “Public Data License”.