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Mid-career recruitment (private sector personnel)

Let's take advantage of our diverse experience and expertise in the private sector and take on the big challenge of leading administrative DX in Japan.

Digital Agency aims to be a society (a people-friendly digitalisation where no one is left behind) where people can choose services that meet the needs of each person and where a variety of happiness can be realized. We hope that people who have both abilities and aspirations, and who have the desire to shape the organizational culture, will take on the challenge.

Currently, we are recruiting a wide range of personnel from project managers, designers, engineers, cloud, architects and corporate. Why not build a new career in the central government with more than 400 professionals from the private sector?

We will build a relationship of trust with the people and draw, implement, and implement Japan's digital infrastructure. Let's transform Japan's administrative DX together.

Outline of the offering

Please refer to the following link (external site) for a list of jobs currently available.
List of available positions

For recruitment, please contact for inquiries about mid-career recruitment from .

Introduction of Digital Agency Initiatives

Please use it to understand the image of business in Digital Agency.

  • Digital Agency note
    In addition to Digital Agency's policies and services, we introduce staff and teams active in Digital Agency, such as administrative officers and professionals from the private sector. We also provide technical information such as the Digital Agency Tech Blog.
  • Digital Agency News
    This is a website that provides information on how people's lives will change today and in the future through digital technology. We provide information so that people can feel more familiar with and understand how people's lives will change through Digital Agency's initiatives.

Recruitment Event Information

There are currently no recruitment events scheduled to take place.

Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 I would like to know the detailed requirements for each job type.


Please see the detailed page for each job type after you click "List of job types for recruitment" written on the mid-career recruitment page.

Q2 Will there be similar recruitment in the future?


We will continue to recruit personnel for Digital Agency. Details will be announced as they are determined.

Q3 Is it possible to apply for more than one position that is currently open?


After confirming the requirements for each job category, there is no particular problem with applying for multiple positions. In addition, it would be appreciated if you could tell us the order of preference at the interview after passing the document screening.

Q4 I applied for a position in Digital Agency before, but is it possible to apply this time as well?


Even if you have applied in the past, you may apply again. Anyone who meets the application requirements for each job type can apply for the job type.

Q5 When applying, are there any restrictions based on the place of residence?


The place of residence is not a requirement criterion for the selection, but we would like to consult with you on an individual basis whether it is realistically possible to carry out the work together with the frequency of remote work.

Q6 Are there any age restrictions when applying?


For this recruitment, there is no particular age restriction.

Q7 Is it possible to make a remote work after employment?


Telework and remote work can be implemented as long as it does not interfere with the progress of the project you are in charge of.

Q8 Is it possible to carry out a side job or a side job after employment?


When an applicant is hired as a part-time employee, he / she is allowed to engage in concurrent employment and secondary employment. If the applicant is scheduled to engage in concurrent employment with a private company, etc., as a general rule, the participation of business operators, etc. (including group companies) to which the applicant belongs as a concurrent employee is limited in bidding for procurement projects related to projects in which the applicant is directly involved, such as the preparation of specifications, during the term of appointment.

Q9 How can I apply for each position?


You can apply through the application form, which is the transition from the "Apply" button in each job title page. At that time, there is a column to attach necessary documents such as a resume and a work history, so please fill it out and upload it, check the "Handling of Personal Information" at the bottom of the form, and if you agree, please check the check box and apply.

Q10 Do I need anything to apply?


Please prepare, fill out, and upload the documents listed in the application form that you moved to from each job title page.

Q11 What is the selection process after application?


After application, we will conduct multiple interviews after the document screening. The interviews are expected to be conducted online in principle.