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APA Procedures for law Application

1. What is the "law Application Prior Confirmation Procedure"?

This is a procedure in which a private sector Company, etc. confirms with the law in charge in advance whether or not the specific acts pertaining to its business activities to be realized are subject to the provisions of a specific public authorities, and the organization in charge responds and makes the response public.

In Digital Agency, , "Introduction of Prior Confirmation Procedures for law Application by public authorities" (PDF / 103 kb)
(Cabinet Decision on March 27, 2001), "Rules for Procedures for Prior Confirmation Applicable to Digital Agency law" (PDF / 83 kb)
(Digital Agency Ministerial Ordinance No. 47), and this procedure will be implemented for the law under the jurisdiction of the Agency.

2. Outline of the Procedures

(1) Subject of inquiry
You can make the following inquiries about the provision in law under the jurisdiction of Digital Agency, which is the subject of this procedure (excluding those pertaining to the affairs handled by local governments).
Private sector A specific act pertaining to the business activity of the enterprise, etc.
A. Whether or not it is necessary to obtain permission, etc. (If permission, etc. is not obtained, whether or not it is subject to penal provisions)
B. Whether it is necessary to make a notification or receive registration, confirmation, etc. (whether or not a penalty will be imposed if a notification is not made or registration, confirmation, etc. is not received).
C. Whether or not there is a possibility of being subject to an Adverse Disposition (whether or not there is a possibility of being subject to cancellation, etc. if a certain action is taken or not).

(2) Method of inquiry
The inquirer
A. Show specific facts about the actions he / she intends to take in the future.
B. Identify the provision (s) in law that you would like to confirm are covered.
C. Indicate the inquirer's view on the application of the provision of the identified law and the rationale for drawing that conclusion.
D. You agree that the content of the inquiry and the content of the response will be made public.
Please submit a written inquiry containing the necessary matters to the person in charge of Policy Evaluation. (The submitted written inquiry will be promptly circulated to the person in charge of provision in law.)
We may ask you to amend the written inquiry as necessary.
In addition, if the content of the inquiry does not meet the purpose of this procedure or does not meet the requirements, the reason may not be indicated.

By mail:
Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioi-cho 19th Floor, 1-3 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094
To: Digital Agency Policy Evaluation Officer

By email:
seisakuhyouka _ atmark _
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).
*Please use the following form of inquiry.
Written Inquiry Form (Word / 28 kb)

(3) Deadline for response
In principle, a response will be made within 30 days after the Policy Evaluation Officer receives the written inquiry.

(4) Public announcement of the contents of the response, etc.
As a general rule, the details of the inquiry and the response will be published on the Digital Agency website within 30 days of the response. You can request a postponement of publication at the time of submission of the written inquiry.

Contact information
Digital Agency Policy Evaluation Officer
Tel: 03 4477 6775
Email: seisakuhyouka _ atmark _ digital. go. jp
*To prevent spam mail, "@" is displayed as " _ atmark _ ".
When you send an email, please change " _ atmark _ " to "@" (one byte).